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Brendan Angelides: "Social constructs, the emotional landscapes of just being human and the dynamics of our personal experiences have always been fascinating to me. A lot of these lessons and formulas can be drawn into the creative process and that in itself is another amazing thing to me. One of the most compassionate things you can do is set healthy boundaries. One of the healthiest things for your boundaries is to be compassionate." Läs mer på hans blogg: här.
"Richard Bandler suggested that one of the major blocks to creativity was the feeling of knowing you are right. When we think we are absolutely right, we stop seeking new information. To be right is to be certain, and to be certain stops us from being curious. Curiosity and wonder are at the heart of all learning. Plato said that all philosophy begins in wonder. So the feeling of absolute certainty and righteousness causes us to stop seeking and learning.
Our healthy shame, which is a feeling of our core boundaries and limitedness, never allows us to believe we know it all. Our healthy shame is nourishing in that it moves us to seek new information and learn new things. Inferiority can be experienced as a healthy limit to our abilities."
"The five freedoms, first enunciated by Virginia Satir, describe full personal functionality. Each freedom has to do with a basic human power: the power to perceive, to think and interpret, to feel, to want and choose, and the power to imagine."
John Bradshaw
– Jag är alltid nyfiken på nya möten, däremot har jag ingen drömroll och drömmer heller inte om någon särskild regissör eller motspelare. Jag vill bli överraskad och göra roller som jag inte visste fanns.
Om sina rollval säger hon att hon tycker om regissörer som söker sanningen.
Själv säger hon att det aldrig känns som hon nått fram.
– Det finns alltid mer att uppnå. Det som driver mig är att göra nya upptäckter.
Isabelle Huppert, ur Jeanette Genteles intervju SVD i dag
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